Okeee...masi ngebahas soal ulang tahun saya yg kemaren. Jadi ceritanya teman-teman di kantor pada mo bikin surprise buat saya. Mereka udah pesen birthday cake di toko kue kesukaan saya, semuanya harus surprise buat saya jadi semuanya dirahasiakan. It should be a very nice surprise untill....tidak sengaja saya mendengar percakapan sobat saya Tia dengan seorang teman saya yg lain Fhy. Fhy sedang bertanya berapa umur saya dan apa yg harus ditulis diatas cakenya. Gotcha!!!
"Si fhy lagi beliin kue ulang tahun bw gw ya??"saya bertanya pada Tia. Tia pun kaget dan ga bisa nyembunyiin muka sebel, kaget dan pengen ketawanya
"Hehehehehe kenapa ko bisa tau mba?" dan saya pun tertawa. There is nothing can be hide under my nose. Hmm let me explain something, ga tau apa karna gen gosip saya yang cukup kental, ato karna IQ saya yang cukup jenius atau mungkin bos saya bener I have a strong analytical skill. saya org yang tidak mudah di beri kejutan, or surprise or whatever you call them just can't do it to me. I know you don't believe me, but somehow I do. Sang pacar a.k.a tuangendutcabidanbaikhati adalah orang yang paling sering jadi korban. Setiap kali mau kasi surprise pasti gatot, ada aja celahnya untuk saya bisa tau. Mulai dari nanyain nomer hp temen deket saya diwaktu anniversary kami (which is he never did this before), sampe yang paling.. justru g berusaha buat diem, dan pura pura "surprise", I'm straight on asking him. And well my friend that's why he never gave me any surprise. Okay, my boyfriend is not good at surprise, he is sucks when it comes to surprise. But I love you hon (saya harap si pacar ga baca dibagian ini).
Back to the topic, jadi teman-teman saya mau ngasi surprise tapi saya udah tau. akhirnya emang ga jadi surprise karna mereka udah keburu sebel. hehehehe but above of all, Im very happy..temen temen kantor saya emg top markotf deh..mulai urusan celaan, kerjaan, ampe solidaritas dalam bergosip n ember2an..
Saya pikir all the comotion is over, tapi ternyata saya salah sodara sodari. Before I went home, my girls (ami n rahma) and I had decided to have a HOT dinner near our place. So I went home, and the night is come so i went out. Ternyata teman-teman dekat saya sudah menunggu saya dengan sebuah cake. Tapi bukan itu saja, saya pun ikut dibanjur cairan bau bin lengket n aneh (trust me you don't wanna know). Ketika saya sedang menikmati malam itu bersama teman teman saya, tiba tiba seorang ibu ibu hamil membawa sebuket bunga mawar untuk saya. I'm trully surprise, not the roses but who gave those roses. Yup yup ternyata pacar saya yg gendutnya naujubile memberikan saya sebuket mawar untuk ulang tahun saya.
I'm very happy that night. Lebih tepatnya, saya sangat bersyukur memiliki teman-teman yang sangat menyayangi saya dan bersama saya di hari itu. Sebuket mawar dari pacar saya adalah surprise yang sangat besar buat saya selain kedatangan teman teman saya ini. Bole dibilang pacar saya bukanlah org yang gombal, say bilang gombal karna gombal dan romantis sangatlah berbeda. He will not give you a chocolate on valentine's day he even can't remember it. He will not send you a bouquet of roses every day, he will not sing a song infront of your door. But he will run through all the pharmacy looking for the right inhaler when asthma attack you, he will eat take out the egg yolk out of your dishes, agree with you when you said to adopt a tiger (duhh..thats true).He even face the most scariest creatures that you love the most, it's your mama (love you though). He is not the o what perfect guy in magazine things, but he is the one that make you perfect and alive. Thank you honey..for being the one who'll be there.
Untuk teman-teman saya, terimakasih adalah sebuah kata yg tidak akan cukup untuk mengungkapkan rasa bersyukur saya. I made a promise to put your name in all my prayers, and I'm wishing you all the best things for your life. I can't say anything more than thank you for being be there for me, I know it's hard to facing me everyday (of course with all my roller coaster mood). Terimakasih menjadi kado paling berharga untuk hidup saya(okay you're not in the first winner since my family take the first place and my bf crawling for the second place but I still put as my priority so okay you take the second place). I know it's not fair to put you on that place, where it's like a winner and loser. Well all of you are not the loser nor the winner. But you're (family, friends, bf) the most precious the beautiful gift God ever give to His creature.
Dedicated to my best friend (ami,rahma,tia,fhy,mba elly,rio,mas eko,mas jazil,emprit,mas tum,mas indra,mas usman,adit,trisno,agus,dips,oong,imo,priski,okta,putu,widha,dika,dinnet,sari,ika,ikaput,ulli,beno,patsy. I'm sorry I can't remember each of you, but I promise you'll here remain within me.
To my beloved bf, thank you for being there (I keep playing with it). Thank you thank you thank you and love you. Thank you for waking me up from my gloomy desperate days, thank you for remind me how beautiful my life is.
For my beloved family, I love you so much. I'm sorry for not calling you every week. But I can assure you that you all the unconditional love I'm looking for. Can't imagine my life without you
Thank you God, I'm thanking you for everything. I'm done with sad and depressed
but urang add link blog abut ka blog urang yo....ayu [ayuku.blogspot.com]
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