Sunday, 18 October 2015

My Letter for the 20 year me

You, yes you.

Get your head on. College life is not that bad. It just you missy who couldn't get yourself together. It is you who living in your own world. Dont you always say "oh i wish this oh i wish that" stop it and start your action.

Learn to take courage,take driving lesson.

Say hi to him. Afterall this time he actually realise that you are the one.

Get your self a proper dress,being fashioned doesn't mean you are brainless. We are living in 20th century for god sake!

Oh that guy who made you cry is whorthless. What kind of sotoy guy who in the future out of the blue preaching you about marriage and having a family while you were expecting a baby?? Yupp that sotoy guy! He is not thst cute anymore,after a long walka you've realize that his face not better than abang becak.

Do yoga and pilates.

Take anger management class.

Clumsyness takes you nowhere so get the clumsy off your shoulder.

You are pretty as you are.

Sarcasm is your middle name. Take it and use it wisely.

Your tounge, oh what can I say. You are bad at entertaining people with a good word.

Whats on tv stays on tv. Your drama wont bring any profit, stop it!

Those folks who always look sweet at you is fake as your mama fake bag. Dont judge them. Just smile and let go.

Quality over price. When your husband insist to buy 3 doors from questioned vendor, do reject them. You are welcome.

You love radiohead,coldplay,josh groban,collabro,sheila on 7,mclemore&ryan lewis and p-project.

Start being a vegan.

Overall please wake up, and live your life happily, fierceless, and be kind.

Yours truly

Saturday, 17 October 2015

Jujur gue termasuk tim skin care instead of make up. My quest for the best skin care and method will never end. Kenapa begitu? Karena kulit gue ga sempurna. My war againts acne, prone skin, un even tone happened since my puberty. Nope, I never win the battles.

Masa sih? Yes baby, if you see my sister's skin you'll understand deh.

And that's how my journey begin.  In every journey, there is up and down sometimes a twist. I show you my twist on exibit A, Shiseido Naturgo black mask.

Sebagai wanita berpori besar, problem komedo itu nomer satu. Udah berbagai cara gue pake, facial di salon (check), di uap air panas trus di cabutin pake alat (check) terakhir pake semacam scrub utk ngelunakin kulit dan bisa ngeluarin komedo (check). Dua metode diawal yg gue sebutin cukup nyakitin, eventhough I know beranak lebih sakit yaaa. Dan cara terakhir ga cukup efektif, ga semua komedo bisa keangkat. Hmm sebenernya gue kurang telaten aja siik.

Sampai satu hari temen kantor ngebisikin satu produk yang gue agak familiar merknya yaitu, Shiseido. Merk dr negri sakura ini emang terkenal dengan produk kecantikannya, dan yang gue ga tau adalah ko dia punya produk masker black mask?  Dan kata-kata ajaibnya adalah si masker ini bisa ngebersihin komedo sekejap. Wooowww mejiikkk!! Mana harganya murce, sebungkus kecil suma 10ribu rupiah. Makinnn woowwww!!

But wait, sepertinya gue pernah denger soal masker satu ini, dan ko harganya murah amat? Shiseido gitu looh, brand premium masa jualan masker nya cuma segitu. Guglang gugling eh makin curiga ama masker ini. Masa di olshop ada yg jualannya kaya grosiran? Sempet nanya ke temen yg ngasih, dan dia keukeuh ini barang asli dan cuma ga bayar pajak ajah (?)

Dan jawabannya ga lama kemudian dateng juga, di salah satu blog beauty blogger di sebutkan dengan jelas bahwa Shiseido udah ga memproduksi masker ini sehak 1992. Whaatttt??? Dan di web resmi Shiseido juga ga ada produk ini. Dan yakinlah kalo produk ini adalah produk palsuan.

Walopun udah tau palsu, tapikan gue ogah rugi orangnya. Jadilah itu masker gue pake, dan hasilnya gue kuciwa. Komedo gue masi ada cyinnn...setelah pake masker ini gue tetep harus pake scrub lagi biar komedonya ilang.  Dan tekstur nya, oke lah ga ada bau tapi teksturnya waktu cair kentel banget. Lebih mirip plastik cair, dan setelah mengering (setelah dipake tentunya) teksturnya lebih mirip plastik kresek daripada gel kering. Setelah di pake kulit gue malah terasa agak panas, dan sekarang gue kompres pake air hangat ini kulit.

Masker nya udah gue buang, dan lesson learned banget buat gue. Semoga aja kulit gue ga break out yaaahh...
Gue sempet fotoin itu masker tapi blm bs di upload disini, di update lagi nanti yaaa